Research team
Research team
Dr. Maria Rubio-Valera is Head of Quality and Patient Safety at the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu. She is a graduate (2008) and doctor (2012) in Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona. Since 2017, she has co-led the research group for Evaluation of Healthcare Technologies in Primary Care and Mental Health (PRISMA Group) of the Institut de Recerca de Sant Joan de Déu.
Her research focuses on the design and evaluation of healthcare interventions using mixed methods. Specifically, she studies the scale and impact of health-related behaviours, such as adherence to treatment and health-promotion activities, designing guided interventions adapted to the patient’s context in order to improve these behaviours, and evaluating their effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness ratio.
In September 2020, she received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), an entity that supports the careers of young European researchers, in order to carry out the study with the title “IMA-cRCT – Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of initial medication adherence intervention: cluster randomised controlled trial and economic model”.
Dr Ignacio Aznar Lou graduated in Pharmacy in 2014 from the University of San Jorge of Zaragoza and was awarded his Doctorate in Pharmacy by the University of Barcelona in 2017.
In recent years he has carried out postdoctoral stays at Southern Denmark University and at the University of Lisbon, where he studied various techniques to assess medicine use in the general population and systematic review.
He currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in the PRISMA Group, on projects related to the analysis of large-scale real-world databases in the fields of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics, and is a member of the Centre for Biomedical Research in Xarxa- Epidemiologia i Salut Pública belonging to the Insitut de Salut Carlos III (CIBERESP-ISCIII).
Dr. Mª Montserrat Gil Girbau is a graduate in Pharmacy and an expert in Qualitative Research. She has a Master’s degree in Healthcare Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care from the University of Barcelona (UB). She was awarded her Doctorate in Pharmacy by the UB in January 2020.
She has over 15 years of experience in Community Pharmacy. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the PRISMA Group and a quality and patient safety technician at the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu. She is a member of the Research Network on Chronicity, Primary Care and Health Promotion (RICAPPS). She is currently working on several projects related to medication adherence and mental health strategic planning projects for municipalities and regions throughout Catalonia.
Mª Teresa Peñarrubia graduated in Medicine in 1997 from the University of Barcelona and she has been a specialist in Family and Community Medicine since 2000. Since 2003 she has been a tutor for residents in Family and Community Medicine and has participated as a teacher in various courses related to the field of Mental Health aimed at Primary Care health professionals.
She is also a collaborative researcher with the PRISMA Group, coordinator of the ECONSAP Group, accredited by the IDIAP Jordi Gol, and a researcher at the Networking Biomedical Research Centre – Epidemiology and Public Health at the Carlos III Health Institute (CIBERESP- ISCIII). As a result of her research work, she has been involved in the publication of several articles in national and international journals.
Since 2009 she has collaborated with the management team of the Costa Ponent Primary Healthcare Board (ICS) in activities for the coordination and development of different programmes (care pathways for fibromyalgia and depression, Mental Health advisor, member of the Mixed Territorial Commission for Mental Health and Primary Care). And she recently took part with the Department of Health of the Generalitat in the working group of the National Strategy for Primary Health Care and Community Health (ENAPISC).
Alba Sánchez-Viñas graduated in Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona in 2016 and she has a European Master’s degree in Health Economics and Management from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands).
During her studies she has spent time at Ege University (Turkey), the Università di Bologna (Italy) and the Management Centre Innsbruck (Austria). In 2018 she spent a research period with the team of quality advisers for biological medicines at the Medicine Evaluation Board of the Netherlands. She also has experience in community pharmacy and has held a variety of positions in the pharmaceutical industry.
She is currently a predoctoral researcher with the PRISMA Group in the line of economic evaluation with Real World Data and is part of the Network Biomedical Research Centre – Epidemiology and Public Health at the Carlos III Health Institute (CIBERESP – ISCIII).
Carmen Corral Partearroyo graduated in Nursing in 2015 from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
She developed her professional career in London, United Kingdom, where she worked for 4 years at King’s College Hospital and specialised in Intensive Care at King’s College London (KCL) University.
In 2018, she entered the centre of excellence in research and training in Public Health for the first time at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Here she first completed the Professional Diploma in Tropical Diseases and later continued her studies with a Master’s degree in Public Health specialising in Health Promotion and Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions.
Currently, she is part of the PRISMA Group as a predoctoral researcher in the line of Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions.
Dr. Claudia Palma Vásquez has a degree in Education (Universidad del Bío, Chile), a master’s degree in Educational Psychology (Universitata de Barcelona) and a PhD in Education (Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile).
Between 2018 and 2019, she carried out research stays at the MIDE Measurement Centre of the Catholic University of Chile, at the Department of Social, Quantitative and Organizational Psychology of the University of Barcelona and at the Occupational Health Research Centre (CiSAL) of the Pompeu Fabra University.
During the years 2019 and 2021, she coordinated two projects financed by the Carlos III Health Institute through the Health Research Fund (FIS). Between 2021 and 2022 she worked as a health technology assessment technician at the Agency for Quality and Health Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS).
Her lines of research relate organizational psychology, occupational health and epidemiology. Specifically, she is interested in studying the teaching career, job insecurity, mental health and, in general, complex interventions, among other topics.
She currently works as a project manager in various projects of the PRISMA group.
Mª Carmen Olmos Palenzuela graduated in Nursing from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1996.
She has participated in a variety of Primary Care pathways (COPD, MCV) as a referent in the SAP Delta. Since 2016, she has collaborated with the management team of the Costa Ponent Primary Healthcare Board as a Mental Health mentor (Mixed Territorial Commission for Mental Health and Primary Care, Training Commission), she participates in the activities of the Primary Care Programme “Sense Fum” in Catalonia.
In 2021 she was accredited as a tutor for family and community EIR nursing residents. Since 2021 she has also formed part of the ECONSAP research group, accredited by the IDIAP Jordi Gol as an associate researcher.
Other collaborators
Sara-Anna Davies Daunas is a doctor specialising in Family and Community Medicine, with MIR carried out from 2014-2018 at the Multidisciplinary Teaching Unit of Barcelona ICS (Chafarinas CAP and Vall d’Hebron Hospital). She graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2013. She has an interest in doctor-patient communication and is a member of the Communication and Health group of the CAMFiC (Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine) and the SEMFyC (Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine). She currently works as a GP at CAP Vallcarca-Sant Gervasi.
She has been working for 5 years on the communication model on Shared Decision Making (SDM) at the practice, giving training workshops at national congresses on Communication and Health. At the moment, she is a doctoral student at the UAB, under a pilot project on the application of a teaching programme in SDM for Family and Community Medicine residents.
She joined the IMA-cRCT project as a collaborator in July 2021 to contribute knowledge and experience about SDM.
Daniel Planchuelo graduated in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2007 and has been a specialist in Family and Community Medicine since 2013. Since 2017 he has been a tutor accredited by the Ministry of Health for Family and Community Medicine residents at the UDACEBA teaching unit. He has been a primary care clinical tutor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 2015 and at the International University of Catalonia since 2016.
He is currently developing his professional career as a GP doctor at the Roger de Flor CAP (EAP Dreta de l’Eixample) in Barcelona.
He has special interest in sexually transmitted diseases and HIV (university speciality from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in 2021) and in new technologies related to patient care. In this context he was responsible for the website of the Neuromuscular Disease Unit of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital from 2014 to 2020. He has also been responsible for the social media of Roger de Flor CAP since 2016.

Guillermo Bagaría de Casanova
Member of the Pharmacy Office and responsible for pharmaceutical care
Barcelona College of Pharmacists (COFB)
Diabetis Tipus 1
És una malaltia autoimmune que es caracteritza per un augment de sucre a la sang donat que el pàncrees deixa de produir insulina. Sol aparèixer durant la infància, l’adolescència i la joventut. La diabetis Tipus 1 representa un 5-10% de tots els casos de diabetis.
Diabetis Tipus 2
És una malaltia que es caracteritza per un augment del sucre a la sang donat que el cos deixa de produir o poder utilitzar la pròpia insulina. A diferència de la diabetis Tipus 1, la diabetis Tipus 2 s’inicia en adults. És la forma més comuna de diabetis, i representa un 80-90% del total de casos.
Guillermo Bagaría graduated in Pharmacy in 2002 and has been a community pharmacist in Hospitalet de Llobregat since then. In recent years he has participated in a variety of governing boards of scientific associations (SEFAC and SCFC) as well as the COFB and the CCFC. He is currently a member of the Pharmacy Office and responsible for pharmaceutical care at the COFB.
- Research in Primary and Community Care (PI: Maria Rubio), develops, evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of health interventions in primary and community care involving professionals and patients through qualitative and quantitative studies (epidemiological, Real World Data and clinical trials).
- Evaluation of health services (PI: Antoni Serrano), studies the availability and efficiency of services for health care, with special emphasis on the economic evaluation of pathologies, through studies on cost and burden of disease and of interventions, through cost-effectiveness studies based on clinical trials and economic models.
- Epidemiology of non-initiation in the general and paediatric population
- Qualitative studies based on grounded theory to find out the reasons for non-initiation
- Economic impact of non-initiation in the general and paediatric population
- Clinical impact of non-initiation in cardiovascular diseases
- Design of complex interventions to improve non-initiation
- Evaluation of the effectiveness and process of complex interventions to improve non-initiation
- Economic evaluation of complex interventions with RWD data